2013 NC State Open Checker Tournament
The 123rdAnnual 2013 North Carolina Open Checker Tournament held on Friday and Saturday, May 17th & 18th

" Bill Stanley Tournament Honoree
Libby Hill Seafood Restaurant, 3011 Randleman Road, Greensboro, NC 27406
Congratulations, John! 2013 State Champion |
Congratulations, Tim 2nd Place Finisher |
Congratulations, Bobby 3rd Place Masters |
Congratulations, Teal 4th Place Finisher |
(Official Crosstable Results)
Single Division 3-Move / Eight 2 game rounds (Swiss) of 11/4 hour
per game - playing 4 rounds Friday, 4 rounds Saturday
2013 NC State Open
Single Division By Round, 2Gm |
before |
after |
Finish |
Name |
City, State |
ACF# |
Rate |
Rate |
Op |
Rd1 |
Rd 2 |
Rd 3 |
Rd 4 |
Rd 5 |
Rd 6 |
Rd 7 |
Rd 8 |
H Pt. |
Cash |
Comments |
MASTERS: 3 entrants |
(rating 2100+) |
1 |
IM John Webster |
Stoneville, NC |
10147 |
2157 |
12 |
14T3 |
5T7 |
2T11 |
3T14 |
4T17 |
10T20 |
4T22 |
4T24 |
140 |
$450.00 |
2013 NC
State Champion
(7th time) |
2 |
IM Tim Laverty |
Graham, NC |
10153 |
2175 |
4 |
8T4 |
10T7 |
3T9 |
6T13 |
12T14 |
13T18 |
12T20 |
12T22 |
142 |
$250.00 |
tie for 2nd place - splits $300+$200/2= $250 |
3 |
Bobby Gerringer |
Pittsboro, NC |
12442 |
1910 |
3 |
7T4 |
9T8 |
4T10 |
12T11 |
10T14 |
2T15 |
6T19 |
10T22 |
129 |
$250.00 |
NC State Majors Champion |
4 |
Teal Stanley |
Greensboro, NC |
10107 |
2107 |
10 |
6T4 |
4T5 |
11T9 |
7T13 |
3T14 |
12T15 |
2T18 |
3T19 |
137 |
$125.00 |
tie for 4th place - splits $150+$100/2= $125 |
5 |
Matthew Clark |
Fort Mill, SC |
10492 |
1806 |
2 |
13T3 |
11T6 |
12T6 |
8T8 |
14T12 |
3T15 |
10T16 |
15T19 |
124 |
$125.00 |
6 |
Neil Wenberg |
Harmony, PA |
10126 |
1618 |
13 |
2T1 |
14T3 |
5T5 |
9T8 |
8T10 |
4T10 |
7T14 |
11T16 |
107 |
$95.00 |
7 |
Mike Ross |
Burlington, NC |
10110 |
1856 |
15 |
Late |
Entry |
ByeT3 |
5T5 |
1T9 |
6T11 |
11T14 |
2T15 |
$90.00 |
8 |
Ted Williamson |
Kenova, WV |
10024 |
1654 |
14 |
12T1 |
13T3 |
6T4 |
11T6 |
2T6 |
9T9 |
8T12 |
9T14 |
114 |
$80.00 |
tie for 8th place - split $85+$80+$75/3= $80 |
9 |
Jeff Webster |
Stoneville, NC |
10218 |
1812 |
11 |
5T3 |
2T4 |
10T4 |
14T6 |
9T8 |
8T11 |
15T12 |
13T14 |
110 |
$80.00 |
10 |
J.R. Smith |
Greensboro, NC |
10098 |
1600 |
9 |
1T4 |
3T4 |
7T5 |
13T6 |
11T8 |
14T9 |
ByeT12 |
14T14 |
95 |
$80.00 |
11 |
Buck Smith |
Millboro, VA |
10091 |
1688 |
8 |
4T0 |
7T1 |
1T5 |
2T7 |
13T9 |
11T10 |
14T11 |
7T13 |
107 |
$70.00 |
12 |
Grover Minor |
Greensboro, NC |
12659 |
1608 |
7 |
3T0 |
8T3 |
9T6 |
10T6 |
6T6 |
ByeT9 |
13T9 |
8T11 |
109 |
$65.00 |
Larry Michael |
Lexington, NC |
10059 |
1598 |
6 |
10T0 |
1T3 |
14T6 |
4T6 |
7T10 |
15T12 |
3T12 |
withdrew |
Morris Auman |
Sophia, NC |
12450 |
1386 |
1 |
9T0 |
6T1 |
8T1 |
ByeT4 |
15T4 |
withdrew |
- |
- |
James Martin |
Monroe, NC |
10032 |
1599 |
5 |
11T1 |
12T1 |
13T3 |
15T5 |
withdrew |
- |
- |
- |
Bill Stanley |
Greensboro, NC |
10061 |
1324 |
attended the NC State Open but did not play |
$1,760.00 |
Congratulations! to IM John R. Webster of Stoneville, NC as the winner of the
Tournament and our 2013 NC State Open Champion. This makes Webster's
time as a NC State Champion.
Congratulations! to Bobby Gerringer of Pittsboro, NC
as the 2013 NC State Open Majors Champion. This is Gerringer's
first time winning the Majors State Championship.
GM stands for Grand Master, IM
for International Master, and CM for Candidate Master, which are earned titles
given by WCDF to distinguish accomplished players.
ACF Rating - before this tournament, and after
ratings is your rating after this tournament's performance. Supplied by ICH
Checkers www.icheckers.net. Program
written by Vadim Khavinson, calculated by Joe Moore/Eric Strange, and
updated by ACF rating processor, Joe Moore. icheckers ratings
Your new rating will be available in a few days after Joe Moore updates and
recalculates this scoresheet.
"T" separates player's opponent from player's accumulated
game points. Draw is 1, Win is 2 points, Bye is 3, and Forfeit is 4.
Players were welcomed to Libby Hill Seafood Restaurant by a nice
door display
sign announcing
Welcome!! 123rd NC Open State Checker
"Bill Stanley Tournament Honoree
Players received a coffee mug and Teal & Bill got a stein and
cup as a door prize, there were also plenty of ACF & NCCA logo buttons.
In the 9:00AM business meeting Teal Stanley, NCCA President opened the meeting and welcomed 16 players, of
which 4 were out of state players, Matthew Clark from SC, Neil Wenberg from
PA, Ted Williamson from WV, and Buck Smith from Virginia. Teal Stanley
asked Larry Michael to give the invocation, and
called for Secretary JR Smith to read last years minutes (preprinted for
approval) and approved as
read. JR Smith, acting NCCA Treasurer, reported on the
financial status of the security accounts, saying the RCB balance was $15,435.42 as
of 4/30/2013, and the Edward Jones account was $14,272.14 as of 3/30/2013 for the
combined total of $29,707.56 before the $1,500 withdrawal. Smith
stated the fund accounts were in pretty good shape considering the market
was up and we where in mutual funds, corporate bond funds, and ETFs that
offered safety but good dividends and interest, which is much higher than we
would be getting from CDs. The shares' value might fluctuate a little with
the market but we are not concentrating as much on growth but after safety and
yield. Smith also had printed statements of NCCA fund accounts for
anyone who wanted a copy. He also said our 2012 Federal Tax Return (990)
would be filed shortly after our annual meeting. Two other reports were available: a list of withdrawals and
yearly history of the fund accounts.
Smith also mentioned recent deaths of our last year members, and a few other well known
tournament players:
Remembering recent deaths: Jimmy Atkins Greensboro
Larry Lovett Greensboro 9/4//12,
Bill McClintock Greensboro 10/6/12, Landon Stokes Lexington, NC
11/11/12, Steve Buntin Chapel Hill 1/1/2013,
Bob Finchum Dandridge, TN 1/9/12,
Earle Sweatmon Kaufman 2/5/12,
OA Morea Roanoka, VA 2/28/12,
Stan Morris Booneville, MS 3/2/12,
Ed Bruch Amherst NY 8/13/12,
Gayle Helterbrand Cabool MO 10/13/2013, Leonard Hickman Culleoka, TN
James Bracnaro Shelton, CT 2/5/2013. This
is continuing announcements like Bill McClintock would do at
our annual business meeting.
A motion was made, seconded, and carried to add “Billy
McClintock Memorial” to the "Greensboro Open" in honor of Billy who organized
and directed this tournament from the mid-1990s until 2009. His last
tournaments were at his home and included Mrs. Frances McClintock's
wonderful home cooked
dinners. Before Billy, Howard Amos was the Greensboro Tournament organizer.
This would be a fitting remembrance to Bill by renaming the tournament
for him.
Under New Business we elected Mike Ross as our new Treasurer
to replace deceased Bill McClintock. We continue the services of Teal
Stanley as President, Jeff Webster as Vice-President, and JR Smith as Secretary.
We voted to add JR Smith, and the new Treasurer to both our security accounts
along with Teal Stanley (Triple
signatures on Edward Jones and RCB business account forms).
Teal mentions we should
talk up checkers and recruit younger players to visit our club and play in our
tournaments. We had a bag of "Lets Play Checkers" buttons to pass out
to players so they can wear them on their shirt & hats. These
and MO logo buttons
should increase awareness and might initiate a conversation about our wonderful mind sport game.
John Webster offered some good ideas on improving attendance. He also
questioned the fact that too many tournaments could be hurting our
State Tournament attendance?
JR Smith stated that, “Next year we will try to have
our State Tournament in Eastern North Carolina on May 16th and 17th
2014. This tournament will be named the “Cecil Lowe Memorial State
Tournament” in honor of our past president.”
Because of low
attendance we reduced the playing field to one group and set the entry fee at $20.00
for a single "A" Class Division. We voted to play a Single Swiss Division with
a Masters and a Majors bracket, to distinguish Master and Major State Champions and determine prize money
by paying through both class brackets. Trophies awarded to each class. We will re-pair opponents only in the last round when necessary,
and possibility a
third re-pair in the top positions. We also voted that a 3 point bye would be awarded to the lowest opponent;
thereafter, to the lowest opponent as 2 points if multiple byes, and 4 points
for a forfeit.
We played two 1. 25
hour games per round, or an eight 2. 5 hour round tournament, starting at 10AM
on Friday and 8:00AM on Saturday and finishing by 5:30PM Saturday evening.
We recognize Mr. Bill Stanley as
our "State Tournament Honoree" for his life-time support of checkers
many years attending
tournaments. He was also the oldest player at age 91 with
his 92nd birthday on July 22nd.
Mike Ross was a late entry, missing the first three rounds of
Friday's play and awarded a forfeit from Morris Auman who didn't show
Saturday morning for their fifth round.
Tim Laverty officiated as score keeper, tournament
referee, and did a fantastic job as usual.
Bobby Gerringer qualified as NC State Majors Champion by
bracket and
NCCA Life-Time Members are exempt of any State Tournament entry
fees, one of the benefits of being a life-time member. These 9
Life-Time Members attending this State Tournament: Larry Michael, JR
Smith, Tim Laverty, James Martin, Bobby Gerringer, Bill & Teal
Stanley, John & Jeff Webster.
NCCA has a tournament policy requiring a player to finish the
tournament in order to get prize money. We don't pay a cash prize to
withdrawals; however, there have been exceptions when a player had to leave the
last round and performed exceptionally well in his class, so we have awarded the
player by forwarding the prize to him. Larry Michael requested that his
prize money be distributed to the finishing players. Two players finished
their rounds and were satisfied to take an approximate payoff, thus giving them
more daylight travel time. They were Neil Wenberg who accepted $80 and
Jeff Webster who accepted $70.
those players who made
donations to the prize
fund which helped build the total to $1,760.00.
The payout schedule was adjusted to exclude withdrawals which are not paid
prize money, but re-distributed to the finishers.
A good number of wives and family visited the tournament;
Gayle Smith, Carol Williamson, Tiffany Stanley, Carolyn Minor, Carol Wenberg,
Morris Auman's daughter Caitlyn, Grover Minor's son Ty and family, Mark
Mike Ross brought honey for sale, Neil Wenberg had plenty of
classic checker books for sale.
Bobby Gerringer brought in two of his awesomely delicious cheese-cakes so
the players could have a delicious supplement with their coffee. In addition to this, Carolyn Minor sent a delicious
carrot cake with white cream icing, and Gayle Smith brought a grape
salad. All these treats seem to be a hit with the players.
We appreciate these
delightful treats!-
Franklin Reynolds, a Greensboro resident read about the
tournament in the newspaper and visited us Saturday afternoon. He
watched and played a few pickup games, hopefully we can recruit Mr. Reynolds
as a checker player.
We appreciate Libby Hill Seafood Restaurant for hosting our
tournament and their meeting room services throughout our tournament.
WXII - Piedmont Triad's
Channel 12 Local TV
Station did a video clip on the Tournament Friday afternoon which was aired
on Friday evening news at 6 & 11pm. Neil Wenberg was featured
playing Bill O'Neil one of the news anchor personalities.
The tournament was announced in the Greensboro News-Record twice.
Our tournament was announced in The News-Record
A delightful tournament & wonderful fellowship was had by all
who attended.
Teal Stanley presents John Webster his
Trophy as the 2013
NC State Open Champion |
Bobby Gerringer is the 2013 NC State
Majors Champion |
Tournament Dates
Prize Payout
2012 NC Results
2011 NC Results